Sunday, June 8, 2008

Read to Achieve (Token Words by Paid NBA Players)

LibraryThing was a useful tool to help me connect with other people who have the same tastes as me. Maybe these young guys in this class know the existence of all these things, however I am once again amazed at what is offered on the Internet. I may not be able to utilize all of the possibilities in this class but it is helpful to know that they exist.

Here's a link to my library:

How to Use Photo Editing Wikis

I found the assignment, on photo editing and wikis, interesting. I did not know that a novice would have the ability to create an modify images on the Internet. Once again, I know that there are applications for this in my physical application courses, I just don't know any off the top of my head. Except possibly creating a better recruiting web page.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Podcasts are Poditively Wonderful

I liked learning about podcasts. These interesting video/audio shows were really helpful in finding media about certain subjects. I listened to a podcast called FITNESS ROCKS. I can see some applications for my college students for podcasts. I would think as time goes on I could think of more applications. For now it's just fun and interesting to me.

Youtube Videos

Youtube is Tubular!!!

I really enjoyed Youtube. I had seen some samples of Youtube before, showing people doing stupid things. After this assignment, I now see the value of Youtube and why so many people are interested in viewing Youtube and having fun with it.

Technorati is a Party

Okay I'll admit it, i was wondering how to locate and find various blogs and/or posts with technorati. I appreciated the helpful organization of catergories. I don't know if I will be a serious blogger, but if I were this would be the place for me. An opinion is like a belly button, everybody has one, so goes the way of blogs in the blogosphere. is delicious is a very helpful tool, especially for frequent internet users. It's useful because I can find my bookmarks faster and more efficiently as compared to the bookmarks installed in Internet Explorer. I enjoyed using the tags to organize my favorite sites and will definitely be using this for assignments to come. While learning about, I was attacked by two predator aliens. This is unusual because they usually only attack in teams of one. Despite throwing a metallic spear through my skull, I enjoyed this lesson about del.icious and the benefit of tagging my favorites. If anyone does read this blog, please respond to my content and the alien reference.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards

On the Web 2.0 site, I saw many popular web applications. The one I found most interesting was It allows me to tag things to my account that I found interesting on the web and share it with others. I thought this was intriguing to be able to show random things that I have found on the web to people. At the very least, is better tasting than Scott Sailor's fish tacos.

Simple Documents for Simple Minds

With online productivity tools, such as GoogleDocs, I found it to be more efficient for sharing my documents online with other people, compared to sharing on Microsoft apps. My only concern is that Bill Gates will read my blog and send an assault team of tech nerds to hack my house, my children, and my computer.
Here is my simple document:

RSS Feeds

"Throw me a bone. Need the info." (Dr. Evil) =) If he only had RSS Feeds. This is a convenient way to find information. It is better than always checking my e-mail or news sites. I like the ability to be able to sort through the kind of information I want to see. It is better than filtering through random information on news sites.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

These are my photos from "Flikr". These photos come from a basketball outreach that I founded about 15 years ago called "Cross Trainers Sports Ministries". Through basketball we bring together different ages, ethnic backgrounds, and social economic backgrounds. It is our goal to use basketball as a means to share Jesus to all people.

Jeff's Tech Talk

Vod Cast Anyone? In the article entitled "Emerging Technologies Changing Public Library Service Delivery Models" I was exposed to a technology called a VOD cast. A VOD cast is a video version of a podcast. A video on demand in the library that will assist in illustrating information and reach out to the community. This is an exciting development for people outside of the "readers only club" of most libraries. For the visual learner, it will provide a greater opportunity and interest in utilizing the library.

You Can Run But You Can't Hide The article examining social software in teacher education was primarily about the social softward opportunities found in FaceBook or MySpace. The sentence in this article that struck me was the following, "Both authors also highlight the importance of a strong pedagogical backing for the technology integration." I could see a bad teacher attempting to hide their weaknesses with technology. A teacher lost in the latest tech buzz. In contrast, a good teacher will always be a good teacher and properly look for ways to improve and enhance their teaching with technology.

When 2.0 Is More Than A "C" The web, library, and teen service 2.0 article gave insight into the movement of 2.0. 2.0 is a focus on how content is created, distributed and disseminated. It is the next step in library evolution. Okay, it's true, I must confess I would check out 45's at the local library in Reedley (that's the small vinyl records kids). The 2.0 service in the library may be the key from keeping the library from becoming a museum. The public library like the teaching profession must reach out and understand its young audience.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Thanks for checking out my blog! I would say "Kinesiology Rules" but that's already been used! :)

So here it is....what do you think? Really original uh?

I'm doing this program to better myself as a coach and teaching professional.

Here are my top three bible sports jokes:
1) Where is baseball in the bible? Genesis Chapter 1. In the big-inning! :)
2) Where is tennis found in the bible? Book of Exodus. Moses served in Pharoh's court!
3) Wait I just got struck by lighting for jokes 1 and 2...

Gosh, I am funny!

Looking forward to developing this blog.