Saturday, May 10, 2008


Thanks for checking out my blog! I would say "Kinesiology Rules" but that's already been used! :)

So here it is....what do you think? Really original uh?

I'm doing this program to better myself as a coach and teaching professional.

Here are my top three bible sports jokes:
1) Where is baseball in the bible? Genesis Chapter 1. In the big-inning! :)
2) Where is tennis found in the bible? Book of Exodus. Moses served in Pharoh's court!
3) Wait I just got struck by lighting for jokes 1 and 2...

Gosh, I am funny!

Looking forward to developing this blog.

1 comment:

Scott Sailor, EdD ATC said...

I would love a blog with just jokes - perhaps a little higher quality. Oh well. Thanks.